This year is transitioning into the next. One looks back. Learns, and appreciates. One looks forward. Envisions, before executing. Taking heed of learnings from those who live how you want to, can help fast-track your path to such outcomes. Seriously. Ending this year, And beginning the next, With inordinate appreciation. First of all, for my life partner Ulyana. Equally, for the three blessings: Dunia, Mira, and Adam Karim. Simultaneously, for the family (included here are the in-laws of my siblings), for the genuine friends, and for the clients whom I have helped (& who've inturn shaped who I have become). The opportunity to even be alive is exactly that: An Opportunity! 💗💗💗 PS: It was your Uncle Coyne's birthday today. An exceptional human being, with a deep care for the welfare of others, my brother-in-law's is a contributor to both family and the community. He assumes leadership in both contexts. Coyne is go-getter. And he's always taking others along with h...