September 14 2022 - Control your mindset

Challenges are an inevitable part of life darling.

What is not inevitable is the impact that challenges have on us.

How we look at challenges, determines more than you can imagine.

A person can look at a challenge, and magnify it's significance many fold over.

Another person can look at a can look at that same challenge, and by for example adopting an extremely long time horizon, she can view the situation as utterly insignificant.

The difference between these two people is their mindsets.

Choose mindsets that help you darling.

Choose mindsets that empower you to be, and to do, what you aspire for.

Choose mindsets that facilitate the realization of your potential, and your contribution to the world.

I believe in you 💓.

How you view, determines what you'll do.

These trees who are laden with fruit.

Are they are burden given their "excess" production?

Or are they providing someone with an opportunity to take the excess and transform it into something even more valuable?

😊Jam for the winter anyone? 

With the right Mindset, and then the right skillset, its going to be a winning outcome in the Game & Set (& maybe even match). 

Plus a fulfilling journey in the process!


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