September 15 2022 - Care from all over the world (for You & Dunia)
At 1335 (Minsk time) exactly 4 weeks ago, you joined us on planet Earth... on the outside!
You are healthy and well. Attesting to that are the depth & volume that your voice has, as you use the only language available to infants. That is, screams!
As to not only health, but also to happiness, in the future... another ingredient needs adding: relationships!
Amazingly, you and your sister Dunia have a group of good people who care for you and for your futures.
They are all over the world.
Some are linked to Mum, some to Dad, some to both.
Today, one of Mum's former university classmates met you. Aya from Turkmenistan.
From Australia to Turkmenistan, or from Belarus to France, or the UK to the USA...not forgetting lots of stops along the way... The world has many remarkable people, who care for you.
In time, you'll meet.
Grow into your Be in the meantime. Then elevate by augmenting.
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