September 20 2022 - Be Joy... it is a choice... with every breath

Irrespective of the fact that life is not easy.

Irrespective of the fact that every day involves challenges; some visible, some invisible, and some that are seedlings to bigger challenges to come.

Effort, intelligently directed, and especially team (sometimes a family team) effort is a winner... Especially when operating with a long enough time frame. 

Again that whole delayed gratification gig.

Discipline is required for that delay.

And here's a kicker: Discipline is a cornerstone of joy too.

The discipline of gratitude and appreciation.

Appreciate what you have.

Let me clarify something here. Appreciation doesn't mean 'be lazy' or to 'leave things to the wind of fate'. Absolutely not. 

I don't mean rest on your laurels sweetheart. 

I do mean give yourself joy, and keep going forward daily, with the process of realizing your potential.

Every single day.

Realize; with joy.

You're doing the same thing. 

You simply change the color and temperature of your life.


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