September 21 2022 - Being Prepared

When I, your Dad, first came to Belarus, I had no idea what a real 'winter' looks like. By the way, I didn't know that I didn't know. Ouch. Living through the experience of minus 25 to minus 30 degrees Celsius was an awakening. A rude awakening.

Given that I am here writing now, tells you that I survived. More about resilience another time. 

Except to say for now: 

You have the elements for resilience wired into your very being. It's up to you to draw on the relevant parts of your being when needed in the future. My ancestors, Mum's ancestors, and thus (given that you are half-half Mum & Dad) Your ancestors, were resilient and tenacious.

Carry that resilience forward sweetheart. It'll help you Be, Do, Share... The Have is a consequence of these things; and of the value-add that flows from them.

Back to the cold, and to something that this moment with you today reminded me of.

Sometime during my first experience in the cold in Eastern Europe, 

I was told:

"There is no such thing as bad weather. There is such a problem as inappropriate attire."

Brilliantly simple. Incredibly empowering. The onus is on you.

What that person was telling me, unconsciously as it turned out, was: 

Be Prepared.

Life is about being prepared.


Right now there are difficult times in the world. For many globally, the financial situation is a disaster. Many people investments and life savings have been put in jeopardy.

However, there are some who people who have spent years preparing for what's happened; & what is happening. Sitting on piles of cash, they are waiting for share markets to crash even further. And then to buy up solid holdings "on sale". 

This is part of people mean when they talk about wealth transfers, and profiting during transitions (or due to volatility).

Remember that "being prepared" requires us to be constantly upgrading: our knowledge base; our skill set; and our clarity as to what is what.

# As you can see in the pic: you were prepared for sheer cuteness indoors, and for protection against the elements (in today's cooler climate... Nothing like winter yet, but less than 10 above zero today!)


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