September 23 2022 - Magic moments = Lived life

Every breath is a new life sweetheart.

How is that so?

Think about it. 

With every breath taken, we get allocated time to be alive. With every next breath, we get another slice of time to live.

Try to infuse your every breath with recognition of the magic that is life.

Growing, learning, experiencing, doing, participating, contributing: BEING, in every sense.

Valuing every moment you get, every breath you get, will enhance the quality of your life.

We attribute value to life in our minds. Remember that sweetheart. And define every breath as a gift.

Use that gift.

Be a creator. Be a contributor. Be a shaper of a better future, for yourself and for others.

Reflection is (1) a precursor to action; & (2) necessary for constructive reviews post action.

A positive attitude gives you altitude. Life becomes limitless as unfounded fears & mental limits dissolve.

Love and support provide a solid springboard of a base.

Rest is something we earn; so that we can re-energize & repeat. 


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