September 26 2022 - Move, baby, move

In life sweetheart, Never take your ability to move for granted.

There is actually an expression, in Russian, that translates as "Movement = Life"

Your body is still learning to move now. When you get very very old, your body will be unable to move the way that a young one does. 

(Disclaimer here: who knows what biotech has in store??? 😂. There may be creations in time that allow you to be nimble as an 18 year old, at 80! 😂)

For now though, the current rules apply. And at your very early stage, your body is learning about itself. 

We are helping with this process. 

Mum's doing an amazing job darling. So patient, attentive and understanding.

Patiently helping you stretch


By the way, you began making new sounds (apart from screams) for the first time late yesterday. The closest thing that I can note them down as reflecting is the Arabic letter غ.


After you'd "exercised", you and I had some time together.

Mum got to enjoy a late lunch (or early dinner). Funnily, there is no word that I know of that reflects such a meal. If we were to deductively reason, we may say "Linner"?

Why, because late breakfasts and early lunches are often called "Brunch"!

Heart to heart again.

You get into a zone sometimes sweetheart... 

It'd be very special to know what's going through that (rapidly evolving) brain of yours in those moments.


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