September 27 2022 - Growing means Living

Everything comes to an end.

That fact is inspiring: It inspires one To Live. Whilst the gift of life is here. 

Protect your health, and protect your gift.

'From dust to dust' note the great traditions. What about in between those bookends?

Growth: The cornerstone of life. 

Yes, growth. 

Growth means progress. No progress means not being alive. Stay alive sweetheart.

QUALIFICATION: The growth I am talking about is not comparative. 

What do I mean? 

I mean that it is not measured relative to others. 

It is measured against yourself. It is measured against your potential. 

The 'yesterday you' cannot be changed. The 'today you' can live with gratitude and with creativity. The gratitude will infuse your life with joy. The creativity will shape the 'you of tomorrow'.

As to the you of today right now, life is far simpler at this point. The voluntary element is yet to kick in; beyond the instinct to survive that is. Measures of growth right now are essentially physical. 

Your foundations get checked in on. Noting that, you experienced your first official check up today. The caring staff at the children's hospital measured your growth.

You were still asleep upon arrival

The Doctor got you up and started listening in.

All good.

Then it was you weighing in.

1.5kg added since birth. Also, all good.

Then it was you stretching out.

4cm added since birth. Again, all good.

Following the GP adventure, a referral to the neurologist was taken up.

No, not to Uncle Walid. 

Why? Mainly because of a little geographical barrier of a few thousand miles right now.

The neurologist showcased some movements that we're supposed to help you adapt into.

You then jointly showed us some dance moves.

After leaving the building, you were told that we also got a referral to do an ECG.

Your reaction was priceless.

You were not having the best time during the ECG. 

Thankfully though, the results removed reason for concern.

Finally, some rest.

Your smile had embedded in it a very particular philosophy: 

All is well that ends well.


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