September 28 2022 - Growing pains

Our conversation yesterday involved something about growth; that indicator that life exists.

Like everything, there is more than one side to this; discomfort.

Could that explain why today saw almost no sleep ensue?

Your Mum thinks so. And I don't know.

What's clear is that you have been very unsettled today; and a lack of sleep is one the consequences.

"This too shall pass": 
I keep quietly reminding myself, and imparting to you.

On a more positive note today, you spoke to some relatives in the land of Oz this morning.

Two of your cousins actually. Together with their Mums. And in one case, you also spoke to your grandmother.

Aaliyah spoke to you from hospital. Why from there? In short, a health issue. She is a fighter. She is also a joyful and caring young lady. You're going to love getting to know her later.

In fact, you're going to love getting to know all of your wonderful cousins in Australia!

Aaliyah waving to you!

Zena jumped out of bed and ran over to greet you, before returning to enjoy some rest. 

Today was yet another reminder of the criticality of good health, and loving relationships. 

May you and your sister enjoy both of these for many many years to come


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