23 October 2022 - Nihil durare potest tempore perpetuo

It translates as "Nothing can last forever".

What the relevance to you?

It means: recognise that one has limited time on earth. (Awareness)

It means: value & savor your time, do what's right whilst here, and create the impact you want whilst you can. (Value)

It means: when you are faced with problems, difficulties, or even with failed attempts at something, those discomforts will not last forever. (Perspective)

A precious moment of eye contact. Captured as you woke from your lunch period nap.

Recognition that there is art everywhere, and in every thing.

The gift of extended family enjoyed. Your Aunt Viktoria, Uncle Anton, plus cousins Gleb & Yeva came to see you. We shared lunch, and quality time.

Try to make sure that the time you have is spent on quality activities.

Try to make sure that the time you have is shared with quality people.

Try to make sure that the time you have has at it's base habits that daily build the you that you want to become. Remember, you create and re-create you daily.

You can do it!



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