26 October 2022 - Waqas & fam, Paddington, Energy

"Following your blog with great interest"... The words of your Honorary Uncle Waqas.

Polymathic Uncle Waqas and his fabulous family (Aunt Varsha, their little man Kismet, & the sibling-in-the-making en route) send their greetings.

They live in London.

So fitting; given what you decided to fit into today!

Your Paddington Bear outfit!

We'll enjoy reading of Paddington's adventures a little later.

Amongst other personal connects today, you got a call from Aunt Eky (aka Crumpet) in Australia 

And an in-person visit from your maternal Grandmother! 

Family is one of life's foundational pillars darling.

Mummy and Daddy will always be here for you. Your Grandparents love you. So too your Uncles and Aunts... not forgetting your cousins!

Lots of loved ones yet to share time with. 

Time: That most precious of resources.

One last thought for today relates to another precious resource: Personal Energy.

You may even want to call it 'life energy'.

I thought of this as I saw a lady today, somewhat struggling to walk. 

She even had a stick for support.

She reminded me of what does not last forever.

Personal energy is critical darling.

It allows you to seize life.

It allows you to get things done.

It allows you to Be.

Do your creating whilst you have the most energy.

Do things that give you energy.

Do things that enhance your ability to create energy in, and for, others.

You can do it sweetheart!

You can both do it!


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