30 October 2022 - Waking up like sunlight - Visiting Aunt Tania & fam

There is something called the golden hour.

Sometimes called the magic hour, it is a specific time of the day. 

It occurs just after sunrise and just before sunset. The brightness of the sky is softer at these times, and makes for more naturally beautiful photographs.

This morning I got to enjoy your personal golden hour. Actually, I will go with magic hour.

Mum wanted to have a shower, and so I covered the monitoring role.

Lucky for me, you woke up.

It was both magic and golden.

Thank you.

Later in the day, a luncheon was attended by You, Mum & I. 

It was organized by your Grandma's sister; your Mum's Aunt Tania.

You arrived in style.

(btw, that blanket that you see, and that you are wrapped in... It was handmade... By your marvelous Mum... The night before your birth!... More about that story later!)

It wasn't long before you were embraced by all.

Love is a beautiful thing.

As to love, lunch was prepared and served with exactly that.

The hot dishes of potatoes and chicken are not captured here; but certainly not forgotten. Yum!

And then dessert!

A special apple pie. Made in the style of my favorite ricotta cake. This has to be tried. As does that! 

To a future of taste buds being titillated. In addition to the mind being stimulated. And the body being regulated (via exercise and the like).

Spiritual stimulation is something I used to get from my grandparents. I hope that you get it from yours.

You had the good fortune of time with not only your grandmother, but your great grandmother today!

Savor the moments darling.

Life is ultimately, a collection of moments.

Gratitude and appreciate are secret gifts in life. They are gifts that you give yourself. Internally. They allow you to not only live the moments with joy and value. They allow you re-live them too. Carry these secret tools with you daily.

One thing that must be said here is: Don't rest on your laurels. Have gratitude and appreciation, always, for what you have. Simultaneously, strive for growth. 

Keep building, such that today's achievements become foundations for tomorrow. Not the peaks.

You can do it!

Both of you!


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