24 November 2022 - The party continued

I grew up beside a lake, and a few hundred metres from the beach.

Sunshine, sand and ocean blue were run of the mill.

A white party, where everything is coated with a layer of snow was certainly not.

How different things are where you are waking up!

Nature's even sending you messages to take flight with your potential!

Given the base necessity of good health, you went in for your 3 month check up today.

You weighed in at 6kg; and stretched out to 60cm.

Evening time today, we had guests come to the dacha. Two brothers.

They were from a country bearing one of my favourite names ever for a nation state: 

Djibouti! (..pronounced: juh-boo-tee).

They both operate in the "help sector".

Hamza is a doctor. Mubarak is a social worker (assisting those afflicted with mental health issues).

Both operate to make the world a better place. Bravo!

Whilst we ate, you were just chilling.

Just as in the morning, the white party surrounded us on the brief walk home post dinner too.

There was a radiance thanks to the snow.

Invisibility was transformed into a clear path.

May such a consequence be a part of your lives going forward.

May you be creators of 'snow'; such that clarity can ensue.

May many of your days be blessed, with a blanket of beauty.

Note: Happy 13 years and 9 months to you today Dunia!


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