25 November 2022 - Thanksgiving : Give & Take

Over the last 24 hours, I have received lots of emails and messages.

They have come from friends in the USA.

The reason is: a celebration known as Thanksgiving.

As you know by now, we have a family practice of expressing thanks (& manifesting through actions) on a regular basis; actually, daily.

The celebration of Thanksgiving (which in the USA takes place annually on the fourth Thursday of November) serves a reminder. A reminder to be thankful for all that we have.

I am very thankful for the family that Mum and I have established. I am incredibly thankful that Mum is aware that family is a team effort, that family is founded upon open lines of communication, and that family requires setting boundaries on outside negative influences.

I am thankful that Mum loves to sing too :)
Moments of shared joy!

I am very thankful, for you and for your sister.

I am thankful for the wider family, for the health that we enjoy, and for the fact that life has been very generous to me (& to us).

I am thankful to be able to create. I am thankful to be able to learn. The list goes on and on. I will share it with you over a sparkling water; which we can enjoy together in due course :)

This event of Thanksgiving reminds of a friend of mine in the USA. He a medical doctor in Florida, and he is originally from Lebanon: the generous Mo Kasti.

Mo has a beautiful expression that he pens to friends:

"Life is full of give and take:
Give thanks, and
Take nothing for granted!"

Hear, hear!

I could not agree more.

Wishing you the development of a similar mindset.
It will serve you well.
Both of you.



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