26 November 2022 - heads up

I am thankful for reminders re birthdays.

I got one regarding a former university lecturer this morning: Valentina Fyorderovna. 

I was delighted to send my regards. She was thrilled to receive them. 

She is a special individual, who has shown steadfast integrity since the time we met more than 12 years ago.

Time flies. Moments can be made important, or left to wither.

Part of your evolution of late is holding your head up whilst laying on your stomach.

Your Mum must be thanked for actively creating the space to practice.

I was an assistant to you :)

On a call to Oz this morning, the fruits of her toil were enjoyed by a couple of your Aunts, an Uncle, and two cousins.

Later, you got to relax.

You enjoyed being sung to..

Keep glowing.
Both of you.
Love you.


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