27 November 2022 - Sunday. Family Day. Virtual, & in-person.

Family is a source of strength.

It is a base.

It delights me to see you being the recipient of family love; from both far and near.

[Side note sweetheart: We must never take family love for granted. Your elder sister can attest to that, with the experience of having such love forcibly taken from her. I will explain more in later years. Suffice to say, go forward with gratitude.]

Morning time, it was family love from Australia checking in. 

Whilst usually the calls with your Uncle Walid are only audio, today you got to catch him briefly by way of video too. He'd just returned from another heavy day (& week in fact) of on-call doctor duties. The neurology cases that he deals with are tough. On every level. I always wish him the capacity to retain peace of mind; especially given he is such has such empathy for his patients. It is remarkable how he does it.

Late afternoon, and early evening, family love in-person in Belarus carried the day.

Preparing for lift off!

Capturing a moment..

Into it..

Grandad seizing the moment..

Feel the energy?

This was indoors.

And yet, beyond this..


Fun continued outside!

Brothers Matvai and Martin (your Great Aunt Tania's boys) built a snow-woman.

This part happened whilst you were napping.

It was met with eyes of approval, and words of compliment!


so too the gift that your Grandma created for you!

An "elf" beanie!

Too cute!

May you always be surrounded by energy that empowers you.
May family always provide you with that power source.
May family always remain loving, enlightening, and wise, in your life.

To both of you.




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