30 November 2022 - 11 years since separation

This is not a happy post darling. 

BUT, it is one of hope!

We are closer to the time when things will potentially change.

A lot has been lost. 

But much remains to be gained.

I focus on what is to be gained.

I hope that you teach yourself to do so too.

Not all moments in life are happy darling.

However, all moments in life can be instructive, and helpful, when looking forward.

Exactly 11 years ago today, it was the 30th of November 2011.

On the morning of that day, your sister was taken from home. She was told by her Mum that "from now on we will be living with your grandmother". It was a horrific scene. She did not want to leave. She grabbed onto me. She was in tears.

The taking of your sister from her, and our, home was a nightmare. 

Humans adapt sweetheart. 

Unfortunately, when adults do not behave properly, children, mal-adapt.

I will tell you in person later the details of what happened on that day; and subsequently.

Suffice to say for now, jealousy is something that destroys lives.

Jealousy of a magical parent-child bond can lead to horror stories for that parent and child.

And so here we are... 11 years later... No time spent since together since 2019... Communicating for a few seconds twice a week via a closed front door (yes, "at grandma's house").

(yes, Dunia took that photo of me)

What's going on now?

There is something called Parental Alienation Syndrome. In short, parent-child relations are intentionally destroyed by another parent (and/or another influential family member). A child's brain (and their "reality" and their "base") is harmed by adults.


May you never have to see such things in your life sweetheart.

May your life be filled with love.

May you learn from the mistakes of others.

May you, once parenthood shines in your life, be someone who recognizes the right of their children to both parents.

Problems in life are an inevitable. 

May yours never be anything of that nature.

May you learn to be not only resilient in the face of problems, but may you learn to use problems & difficulties to become stronger and wiser.

FYI sweetheart, I will include a little timeline of publications since that difficult day on 30-11-2011:














This is the same article as in Sputnik, and includes photos with your sister that are not included on the other site.


Ditto here with only the shared moments with your sister


...All the while (since 30-11-2011 that is) sweetheart, 

Courts were applied to, seeking protection of child rights under the law.  Child protection services were reached out to. Schools were contacted. Plus many other avenues.

Lies and fabricated cases were defended against. A father's love for a child isn't broken by such absurdities. On the contrary, such absurdities show the importance of being in one child's life and of providing a better example.

It is often said darling that "knowledge is power".

It is a harsh lesson for me to acknowledge darling, but my lack of knowledge of the Russian language was a genuine liability for me. Especially in the earliest years after 30-11-2011.

The future is bright.

The here and now requires patience.

Whilst being patient, we must not stand still darling.

We must learn and grow daily.

Bringing our best selves to the world is the gift that we each have to offer; as a thanks to the gift of life itself.

Daddy loves you, and your sister. Deeply so.




PS: Your sister is lucky to have you sweetheart. And you are lucky to have her. I look forward to the time when you can get to know each other, support each other, and make each others lives even more meaningful & beautiful.


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