22 January 2023 - Joy in the progress that others enjoy

Friends of ours just acquired a new place.

It is a big step in their lives; and they wanted to share the transition.

It was a pleasure to take pleasure in their new surrounds.

We sat and enjoyed the specially prepared barbeque. The meat had been marinated for 3 days!

You sat on a bouncer beside us, 

and radiated like an indoor sun.

As your angelic mummy carried you post dinner, you began to stroke my hair. Uncle captured a moment of it.

Wishing you and your sister friends in life, that take joy in your joy.

Wishing you both the conscious development of courage, discipline, and fortitude. That is, wishing you development of the character traits that it takes, in order to bring your imagined future to life.

Wishing you both the awareness that: every moment is priceless, and every second counts.

One thought that I can't leave without sharing today is that: "if you want a friend, be a friend". 

It is amazing what we receive in the world, if we initially give.

Love you both, more than words can capture.



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