25 January 2023 - Updated Wall of Fam

Whilst it is not yet complete, the Wall of Fam was updated today.

Honored, are those from whom you emanate.

Wishing every one captured in the snaps: good health; proactive realization of their aspirations; and peace of mind in their personal lives.

Part of good health of course, is a healthy diet.

So, I will hide what we ate for lunch and dessert. That is, dessert at breakfast and lunch 😁

I will note however, the divine roast beef and guacamole that Mum made for dinner.

You sat beside us glowing..

A little earlier you'd made another glowing showing on a follow-up to the weekend call I'd had (..which you'd also joined). It was a special request this time.

Looking forward to sharing more of life with you and your sister.

Looking forward to helping you both, when & where & how I can, as you & your sister make your way in the world.

Looking forward to seeing how technology & the world unfolds, for & with you both.

Watch for where the puck is going; and prepare.



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