19 February 2023 - The family puzzle

We are not born into the world alone.

We are a piece of a broader picture.

Akin to a puzzle.

Each time you meet a family member, the puzzle begins to take further shape.

So it was today.

You met your maternal Uncle Vanya for the first time in person.

You'd literally just woken up..

Your maternal grandma had come to visit too..

The four of you spent much of the day together. I was only around for the initial moments and a quick breakfast. It was good to learn that you took to your Uncle!

Nearer to dinner time, we were in the same space again.

And it was another first for you.

Your first time eating rice.

The cheeky grin as you enjoyed the new flavor and texture was a joy to behold.

Wishing you and your sister the joy of coming together with other pieces of the family puzzle.

Wishing you both the joy of new flavors and textures, both literally and metaphorically.

Wishing you the awareness to appreciation & value all the good that comes your way in life, and to quickly learn from the less good moments quickly & adeptly.



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