21 February 2023 - Articulate your needs, to have them met

You haven't yet started speaking.

The time will come soon enough.

When it does, remember this..

No-one is a mind reader.


We need to articulate our needs, if we wish to have them met.

It's true that on occasion one can make very good guesses on the basis of body language, and voice intonation.

Don't rely on those alone.

Take a leaf out of our book: lead with listening, and go for open communication.

[..your 6 month check up today.. all good]

When communication is open, love can flourish.


Questions are answered. Issues are resolved. People can do for the person that they love, what it is that the person wants; remember 'The Platinum Rule'?

[..the measurements were comforting today]

Love is a source of comfort, and of energy.

Love gives us roots, and it gives us wings.

I hope that you and your sister grow to have a sense solid roots, and empowering wings.

I hope that you and your sister choose to have persons of integrity in your inner circle; and that you can safely have open communication, and that this leads to support & actualization.

I hope that you both know that you are loved by me well beyond what these words try to capture. And that my eternal support is here for you both, even after I am not.



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