22 February 2023 - Everything is a flavour

You are at a fascinating stage.

I sense it is a stage that will go on for a while.

It's a stage where everything gets taken to your mouth 😊

..empty 1.5 litre bottles

..shapes of foam

..& occasionally an actual meal 😇 ..buckwheat here

The message that echoes out from you, is one of exploration & learning.

In finding these flavours, you are finding yourself.

Your responses speak of what resonates, and what doesn't.

Inclinations become apparent.

The magic of life, is coming to life.

It is a wonderous journey; both on the outer and the inner.

Wishing you and your sister wonder and joy, as you get to know the world. And, as you get to know yourselves.

Wishing you both the ability to formulate positions based on facts and yourselves.. and not on the predilections, or dispositions, or preferences, of others.

Wishing you both the ability to hear yourselves, and then to allow yourselves to be heard. and then to be willing to share what you hear.

With love, and support, always.

I believe in you both.



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