23 February 2023 - Leaders are readers

You'll hear lots of interesting phrases in life.

You'll perhaps even come up with some yourselves.

The origins of such phrases are not just the lives of the speakers, but also the lives of those who have come before us & them.

People who have passed on, but who left their lessons to be shared, have typically done so through a unique medium.

It's called: a Book!

Unless personal access to a person with experience is available, access to their thoughts, reflections, and best of all insights, can be gained via the medium mentioned: a Book!

You are not yet to be able to read sweetheart, but you have begun to engage with the source material.

Familiarity and comfort with the texture here, will perhaps proceed a relationship with the content.

Asking questions based upon readings and sharing what one has encountered is a process that you can look forward to.

Knowledge (and of course real-life experience with subject matter) helps one grasp "the shape" of things, and of reality itself.

Understanding the shape of things and of the dimensions within which we operate, will allow for new shapes to be created in time. 

More data points means more creative possibilities.

Wishing you and your sister a future filled with books that enhance your lives and life experience.

Wishing you both the intellectual curiosity, and the peace of mind, to engage in topics far and wide.. such that you can have more amazing sources to draw on.

Wishing you both the joy of making bridges between spheres that would otherwise have remained islands to one another. Creation is an act of joy, and an act of giving.

With love from me.




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