26 February 2023 - Generations dancing

Usually, bonuses come at the end.

Today, I am going to start with one.

It flows on from yesterday's event; and it flows nicely into today's.

Mum & I, on stages, as kids..

As you remember, yesterday there was a school reunion.

Today there was an intergenerational reunion.

Your great grandmother (from mum's paternal side) came to see you.


As if a dance..

And then those eyes..

It's funny how a partly set table can reflect a family interaction:

There is a special beauty that cannot be created separately and individually, but only in unity.

Every member brings a unique and differentiated set of attributes to the table.

There is always a generation that is in the wings, waiting to takes it place at the table.

Wishing you and sister inter-generational joy, with all sides of your family.. Especially given that you both have family not only in Belarus, but in Australia & other parts of the world.

Wishing you and your sister the sense of understanding and comfort, that grows out of time shared with those who have unconditional love for you.

Wishing you and your sister the roots that give grounding, and the wings that allow you to fly.



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