27 February 2023 - words to Winnie, are words to you both

There are so many things that I would love to share with you and your sister.

There are so many things that I hope will be shared by you both in due course too.

The uncertain nature of life means that no guarantees exist. Every day (& every moment actually) ought to be valued & appreciated.

This is one of the reasons we hop on a call with relatives in Australia so frequently.. even if only for a few life-energy giving minutes.

The most regular 'guest' seen on video calls is your grandma.

Captured from another angle..

Attachment builds foundations. Time-shared facilitates being. Love medicates many ailments.

The conditions allow you explore; with joy.

Returning to the thoughts I began with..

There is a thought (from 'Pooh's Grand Adventure') that I want to share with you and your sister.

It reflects sentiments that I have previously expressed to you both.

It reflects a world view that I hope will, always, sit deep inside, nurturing and supporting you both.

"If there is tomorrow when we're not together...there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart...I'll always be with you."



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