28 February 2023 - Sensational exploration
As you may already know when you read this, I, your Dad, studied law at university. Law and economics actually. Before going into art. Confused? It gets even more adventurous.. 😄. I'll explain later.
Wishing you and your sister the ability to recognize, & to distinguish, the helpful from the harmful.
Returning to law.. There was a lawyer from the USA, a former Supreme Court judge, whose manner with words I typically enjoyed.
His father's name bore the same name: Oliver Wendall Holmes. Father had the letters Sr (for Senior) after his name. And son had the letters Jr (for Junior) after his.
Senior was a polymath, poet and physician.
His use of language was also something to delight in.
One of his reflections came to mind as I watched you today:
"Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions"
The sensation element was apposite today.
And it's far more frequent than just now and then at this stage of your life. You are literally getting to know the world!
Exploring broccoli..
Sharing a moment, eyes locked..
Comforted, the exploration continues..
Wishing you and your sister the opportunity to try, and to explore, the many flavors available in this life.
Wishing you both the understanding that you have myself and many extended family members (& even close friends of mine) who are more than happy to step up and help when needed.
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