18 March 2023 - Seven months today

Unrelenting: That is the nature of time.

Seven months have already been savored;

Here's to many more.

Today becomes yesterday. Tomorrow becomes today. Today is all we have.

This moment becomes that moment. 

Now. Then now. Now gone.

Just as the bird that flew by this morning.

Focused in the moment, it can be captured.

There are many more moments to come.

Savor them.

Make sure that you get sufficient rest; so as to be re-energized.

Choose people in your life with whom you can be mutually supportive; this way you'll also mutually energize.

Wishing you and your sister energy and exhilaration in your lives.

Make the moments count. Life's a collection of them..

..and the moments are a part of a process. The choice of a path is a choice of process.

With you both always.



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