25 March 2023 - A physicist on knowledge and wealth

Listening to a couple of physicists conversing today, I was thrilled.

Two moments in particular captivated me:

(i) The definition of wealth, and (ii) the connection made between knowledge & resources.

..speaking of two, your first two teeth are visible!

Wealth was defined as "the set of transformations that you are capable of bringing about".

Knowledge is key here.

It's what facilitates the transformations.

..that's only half of it regarding knowledge.

I was made to reflect on a basic lesson we were taught back at school in economics.

We were taught that the world has limited resources, and people battle for those resources.

Knowledge is linked to progress of humankind, because knowledge can transform objects into resources!

..I kid you not.

Think of a geologist for example.

Knowledge from a geologist transforms rocks into a resource, even before the item is touched.

The idea (or knowledge) in the mind of somebody converted the rock into a resource. New resources are created by virtue of knowledge!

..Insight moment!

May you and your sister develop in such directions, such that you have the capacity to bring about positive transformations in this world.

May the knowledge that you both have & acquire, always be expanding and always be life enhancing.

May you both always carry the knowledge that you are loved.



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