26 March 2023 - Retro filter

As you can see from the images I have uploaded to date,

I don't typically use filters.

Today, however, I have.

The filter here creates a "retro" feel.

Why use such a filter?

It reflects the sense that is overcoming me as I think about a revolution that is going on right now.

A revolution of artificial intelligence, or A.I. for short.

I think of it as Augmented Intelligence, or even Augmenting Intelligence.

The world that you and your sister are going to be adults in is going to make life today look very retro in comparison!

(adventurous apple pie thanks to Mum..  creativity in shifting from standard shapes... a growling turtle's face?.. a mask from the middle ages?.. so many possibilities..)

Wishing you and your sister cleverness and creativity, so as to ride the coming waves.

Wishing you enjoyment, and productivity, when engaging with the latest technologies available to human beings.

Wishing you both the joy of creation and contribution!

Play your individual roles, in shaping your futures.

Each be your BE.

I believe in you, and am here for you.



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