21 April 2023 - Eid

Your family is a testament to unity.

Part of your family carries Christian heritage; and recently celebrated Easter.

Part of your family carries Muslim heritage; and today celebrated Eid.

The blessed month of Ramadan instils appreciation for all that we have in life.

By sacrificing daily, what one usually takes for granted, one's reminded of their good fortune;

down to even the basics of food and water.

In breaking your pre-lunchtime 'fast' today, you tried green grapes for the first time ever.

Your eye was on the prize from the moment I began peeling off the skin.

You savoured the flavour and texture,

as though we were at a Michelin star restaurant.

(If only we adults were so easy to please 😊)

The celebration involved more,

and that more,

was away from the cameras.

May you and your sister always feel closeness.

Closeness to one another, and closeness to a wider meaning.

May you both choose the path that emboldens you, creates in you resilience, and provides you with inner peace.



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