26 April 2023 - Whether the weather matters.

It's spring.

You'd be hard pressed to believe that though,

given this morning's weather.

Queensland used to run the advert: "beautiful one day, perfect the next".

I was reminded of it by the past 48 hours here.

Yesterday, or "one day", was +21 (degrees Celcius).

Today, or "the next", was -2 in the morning. 

As per every morning & all conditions,

we found beauty & upside in that which poured down;

and gratitude ensued.

These were spotted later in the day.

There is beauty in every state of being.

There is always something to appreciate,

whether it rains or whether it shines.

Hoping that you and your sister always find the beauty.

Hoping you both realise that you have the ability to do just that;

at any given second, of any given day, throughout your lives.


PS: I shared the above video in a family group chat this morning. Your Uncle Walid quipped back with a quote from Anne of Green Gables:

"Snow in April is abominable" ..

"Like a slap in the face when you expected a kiss" 


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