20 May 2023 - Understanding. Conflicts are inevitable & resolvable.

The world can be confusing some times.

That is ok (when the following qualification is added).

Calmly, but with speed, seek to understand.

Sometimes you need to take action,

in order to understand.

Then you need to iterate,

if the action taken didn't get you the desired understanding or result.

It's hard enough for one person to try to achieve understanding and results.

Imagine the probability of two people trying simultaneously!!! 

Consciously choosing to help one another gain understanding is a prerequisite: understanding oneself (thanks to constructive feedback), understanding one another another (thanks to empathy, feedback and adjustments), and understanding elements of the world (thanks to unwavering support).

Mum and I have committed to helping one another understand in life.

For one another's sake.

For your sake.

Remember that in seeking to understand,

and in helping understand, 

conflict is natural (as no two humans are exactly alike).

Critically, in this context, always remember:

conflicts are resolvable.

Misunderstandings can become understandings;

where there is desire and where there is a commitment by both individuals.

Emotions can and will vary and vacillate.

With optimism, care and commitment,

All will be ok.

Just as it is,

when you take on your Cleopatra pose.

I hope that you and your sister, both seek and find understanding.

I hope that you and your sister, learn that conflicts are inevitable & resolvable.

Recognize that the realities noted in the preceding two sentences, require you to develop skills. 

The delightful news is that: these skills will help you both lead wonderful lives.



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