22 May 2023 - Looking upwards

I mentioned looking back, forward and sideways yesterday.

Perhaps most important of all,

is looking up.

I mean that both literally and metaphorically.

Metaphorically, it represents looking out with hope;

to a future of flight!

I will always be there for you and your sister.

Helping you take flight;

and helping you to help yourselves.

Mum will do the same; and not.

We help differently,

but we do so with similar intent: 

"serving your best interests in life".

Shadows are a curious thing.

Physical shadows are alive, whilst we are.

Psychological shadows however, can continue for generations.

You and your sister are more capable than you imagine.

Careful with anyone who says otherwise.

It often happens that well-meaning adults share their own fears and limits,

packaged up as advice; 

as to what is 'realistically' possible.

The future belongs to those who believe, and who do focused work.

It belongs to those who look up and go for realizing their potential.

You can both do it!



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