24 May 2023 - Dunia 14 & 1/4 yr today - Mira's most 'girly-girl' shot to date

Whether a little child is a boy or girl is often hard to decipher.

Especially if their attire is not giving off classical signals (usually blue for boys & pink for girls).

There are moments however when an expression or gesture makes things as clear as clear sky daylight.

One such moment occurred when we stepped out for our morning gratitude ritual today.

Those eyes...

I had responsibilities in the city centre to fulfill today,

and mum organised things such that we met up for lunch.

Mum and I ate dessert outdoors,

as you napped after the main course.

You and your sister's very existence adds something special (..in fact, priceless..) to your parents eyes too.

Wishing you and your sister the understanding that every day counts.

May the moments that you share together be many.

May the love that exists towards you resonate with you both every day of your lives.


Dunia: Happy 14 years and 3 months. Patience sweetheart, patience.


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