28 May 2023 - We, the parents, are the students

There is cognitive bias amongst many grown ups.

Am illusion in fact.

It goes like this: ‘older means wiser’.

The implication is that kids are the students and adults are the teachers.

This is more a mental optical illusion, than a fact.

The reality is that you, the children, are more often than not the teachers!

We learn from you what is most important in life.

We learn to work on improving ourselves;
given that our actions speak louder than our words.

We learn to look at the world through new eyes;
gaining new perspectives on the previous & the fresh.

Likely due to teething, but perhaps due to something else,

you were coping with a high temperature when I captured this moment. (..and you were coming of the back of a night challenging sleep).

Victor Frankl would've been proud (I certainly was!!) of the way that you kept your spirits up, notwithstanding the battle going on inside of you.

Thank you for the lessons,

that have come from you and your sister...

most of which,

you are both quietly unaware of.



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