26 June 2023 - Happiness in the minor, makes for major
Most moments are 'minor'.
So we are made to understand or think.
What if you choose to think otherwise?
What if you choose to think of every moment as a miracle?
Exploring the features of your stroller, as Mum changes one of the seatbelt settings..
First raspberries in the garden rear their heads..
You are getting to know the garden first hand (& legs)..
You take in the fresh air & green view, whilst sitting safely on a window ledge..
Simple moments.
Minor by most people's measure.
Infuse the 'minor' with appreciation & gratitude, and you get a major outcome: Happiness.
Wishing you and your sister, the development of mindsets that promote your peace of mind and happiness.
Here for you both.
Love you both.
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