30 August 2023 - Day in, day out

Good habits set the foundations for a good life.

You encounter books, and hear new information, daily. You eat nutritious food. You see, receive, and give off, lots of smiles and positive energy.

You get outdoors each morning. Movement (given that being my arms doesn't count) happens throughout the day.

You speak to relatives daily,

Often including your grandparents, plus uncles and aunts, Australia.

For example, grandma today!

Activity that helps ensure sound and timely development is paid close attention to.

Wishing you and your sister healthy habit formation.

Wishing you both the awareness that your habits shape your long term outcomes (& really... one could even argue that it occurs ahead of time).

Here for you both; especially recognising that adaptivity is the meta skill that, when well honed, will help you help yourselves set healthy habits.



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