31 August 2023 - Face your stories

Faces tell stories.

Stories vary in their theme and in their duration.

Mornings are a particularly active storytelling time for your delightful visage.

Once outdoors, and interactions with those outside the home begin, stories take on even new dimensions.

Interactive ones.

You react to nature, and not only to individuals.

This apple was picked off a tree in response to a facial request.

You face told a story today when on a video call to Australia,

in response to the story told by your Aunt Ely's blooming belly!

A gleeful story was told by your face whilst between balls at the playroom today.

The story told here is by way of your body language, rather than the expressions from your face.

Outdoors again, and it was the face again.

A notable culinary first today: Georgoan khinkali!

May yours and your sister's faces tell the stories that reflect yours and her truth in life.

May you both develop the emotional intelligence that allows you to both understand others, and express your selves aptly.

Here for you both for as long as I am. And then when I am no longer; via these words & ideas... And the love towards you both that they embody and manifest.



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