18 September 2023 - 1 year and 1 month!

More and more utterances.

Closer and closer to upright.

Savouring the here & now daily, whilst eyeballing & preparing for the future.

You go back, to move forward.

You don't stay still, in order to gain momentum.

You chose the orange swing, and I helped you realise the potential.

Fresh is best.

Berries from the garden are a treat.

Fed raspberries by one parent, whilst being held by the other parent. Does life get any better?

We found a bunch of party balloons for you at the mall.

We then ignored the lovely baby seat they offered at the restaurant.

And instead gave you a spot not only at, but actually ON the table!

Fun can be had anywhere.

It's a decision.

Mirroring the morning fun on nearby stairs: Down! and Up!

Random encounter with non random people!

Andrei and Alyessa wished you the best too!

May you and your sister constantly find reasons to infuse your lives with meaning and with joy.

May you both be sources of these things to one another in time.

Hoping to be around long enough to see that magical imagining become a reality.



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