19 September 2023 - Clarified destination, precedes destiny

You don't know if you are on track if you don't have a direction.

You don't know if you arrive if you don't have a destination.

Set your own destination, in due course. (Yes sweethearts, pun intended!)

Remember to have fun, whilst remaining on track.

Being silly doesn't mean that you are not serious;

It means that you have a recognition of the fragility and brevity of life.

Make loved ones smile.

It'll boomerang back with an even bigger smile imprinted on your our own heart.

Giving, is a black box paradox: You receive a bigger *get", every time you give!

I hope that you and your sister set, update and upgrade the destinations that you head for throughout your lives 

I hope that you always remember to enjoy the path along the way. The minutes, hours and days spent on your path, are the fabric of your life.

As you weave your destinies, know that I believe in you both, love you both, and believe in you both.



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