
Showing posts from October, 2023

31 October 2023 - Autumn leaves

The last day of October 2023. The leaves have created a blanket for the earth. The dacha is in perfect harmony with it's surrounds. We captured a moment together, and then proceeded to savour the outdoors a little. When I passed you to Mum, the surroundings gained a renaissance of beauty. You and your mother beautified the already inspiring surrounds. May beauty be a constituent of yours and your sister's daily lives. Remember that how you look, determines in large part what you see. ❤❤❤

30 October 2023 - Expressions brought to life

Everyone's heard that "an apple a day keeps the doctor at bay". Less well known is: "A banana, will help calm ya" ...or at least, such is the experience with you each morn. Those eyes impart life energy, Even when connecting virtually... What a way to be met when I returned! ...together with your majestic Mum. A few hours later, we enjoyed a late afternoon walk. A delightful old lady had just returned from gathering grapes 🍇. She insisted on sharing. So I insisted on capturing a moment, and her. Royce was encountered upon our return... ...and the game of chase began. Fun and play with Mum ensued at home. Your smiles were radiating with satisfaction. You later created a game of your own using the washing basket-basin. Love at home, and when communicating with one another... kindness to & from strangers...  fun interactions daily, even with animals encountered... I wish that you and your sister enjoy all of the above in your lives. ❤❤❤

29 October 2023 - Wal & the fam

The loving embrace of family continued on from yesterday. Uncle Wal ( or as you called out: "uh-mo") is a living manifestation of care. Aunt Leila (who we didn't manage to capture a selfie of... unfortunately... Ahhh... BUT we did manage to hear you call out "Lo-la" and "Um-to") is a remarkable do-er for others too. They are both great gifts to their kids (that is, your cousins) as well as model citizens & examples more generally. You managed to say "Lina" You articulated a version of "Maysoun" too In addition to loving embraces virtually, the physical ones are here & near too! Your passion for persimmon continues to be fed. After noting the resemblance to the sun this evening, a bit of energy was bitten off. May you and your sister always feel the embrace of love. May you both always feel replenished, whether it be virtually or in person. May sources of sunshine always be available to you. On this last one, know Vitamin D f...

28 October 2023 - from foetal to family

The foetal position. You fell asleep in this position last night. Upon waking, and after returning from our morning walk, it was time to connect with Aunt Eky, Uncle Coyne, and Sophia. A bonus was in store... Surrounded by love... SURROUNDED by love.. The chorus lyrics of the track "Crazy" (by the artist Seal) came to mind. The glowing new Mum Let there be light! Oooooo-www.. Talent and talent  It takes a village... It is a gift that Sophia is surrounded by so much love right now. Whilst you & your sister are unable to share day to day life in person with your cousins, it is a gift that you have one another. I look forward to the times when you and your sister can share precious moments with one another, and with your cousins (& uncles & aunts & grandparents...) I look forward to seeing how you enhance one another's lives. There is so much love that is yet to see the light of day. 💕💕💕

27 October 2023 - Love is visible

"Book, book, book".. a favourite expression of a morning. You even shared a few moments with your paternal grandmother this morning before our morning walk. More awake than usual this time. The morning slide ride at the supermarket. Your (Aunt Leila's Dad) Uncle Mohamed spoke to you this morning, and their was mutual delight. An evening city centre walk had us each enamoured by something. We then aligned and we're enamoured by one thing. May love's manifestations, in the minor and the major, always infuse yours and your sister's lives. ❤❤❤

26 October 2023 - Rising with flavoured bliss

Rock climbing, without rocks. Mountain climbing, without mountains. Making ones surrounds magical. Trying new flavours. This time a persimmon. Priceless seeing the pleasure you derived from this new adventure for your taste buds. If every single day of one's ife had at least one moment like the following, one would be hard pressed not to feel that they have had a beautiful life. Wishing you and your sister fulfilling climbs, healthy & tasty new flavours, and moments of shared bliss. ❤❤❤

25 October 2023 - Helping out on all fronts

Pomegranates peaked your curiosity today, when we stopped to shop. You actually thought that they were mini-melons. Consistent with appreciating good health, we helped an old lady drag her trolley up the slope leading back to both hers & our place. It was too cute when you looked back to check on her, after we left her trolley in the place she'd requested; but was herself still trudging up to join it. The autumn view from the window. Mum decided to add to the view, and look after some of the wildlife. Putting it in place.. Standing alone, hanging alone. Looking out at the light rain, after waking up from your daytime nap. I'd returned just in time! Voluntarily helping clean up! Scrub in hand.. Proactive! Every day is a miracle. Wishing you and your sister that sensation as you adventure through your lives. ❤👀❤