29 October 2023 - Wal & the fam

The loving embrace of family continued on from yesterday.

Uncle Wal ( or as you called out: "uh-mo") is a living manifestation of care.

Aunt Leila (who we didn't manage to capture a selfie of... unfortunately... Ahhh... BUT we did manage to hear you call out "Lo-la" and "Um-to") is a remarkable do-er for others too.

They are both great gifts to their kids (that is, your cousins) as well as model citizens & examples more generally.

You managed to say "Lina"

You articulated a version of "Maysoun" too

In addition to loving embraces virtually, the physical ones are here & near too!

Your passion for persimmon continues to be fed.

After noting the resemblance to the sun this evening, a bit of energy was bitten off.

May you and your sister always feel the embrace of love.

May you both always feel replenished, whether it be virtually or in person.

May sources of sunshine always be available to you. On this last one, know Vitamin D for the soul may indeed be short for Vitamin Dad?



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