22 January 2024 - Freedom uncaged

The desire for freedom is manifested in every one of us to different degrees.

The degree inturn depends on the vision of oneself and the belief in one's capabilities.

Zhi-Zhi today showcased her desire for freedom; sweeping out past Mum's hand as she was changing the water in her home (that is, cage).

Freedom in the kitchen.

Freedom in the lounge room.

Freedom above a doorway.

You and your sister have the capacity to develop as your base: freedom of thought.

Creativity is a derivation of such freedom.

Creativity is the root of all progress, allowing individuals to make connections that would have otherwise remained unseen. Ideally, those connections lead to enhancement of life as we live it.

At a year and five months, creativity leads to fun approaches to playing music.

Your Mum was unable to help with her hands at this point,

And so you chose to showcase an alternative solution!!!

It was an absolute buzz to watch these moments,

Together with the dancing that then followed.

Wishing you and your sister the freedom to think & imagine, the freedom to create, and the freedom to be.



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