19 February 2024 - Sharing as you grow

As you begin the day,

Family in Australia is nearer to winding down.

You helped your paternal grandmother with her unwind today, by sharing what you are up to of morning.

Post chat, you shared some of your time with Dr Seuss!

"Oh the places you'll go!"

Moments after that, you went on a virtual trip;

in which you shared time with your cousin Sophia.

Later in the day, your taste buds went travelling;

a common theme over these last 48 hours.

This time, you got to taste a 'real' croissant! (Tres bien was your categorical conclusion).

I hope that you and your sister enjoy many such days as today:

...constructing & sharing;

...reading & enjoying;


...connecting with close family abroad.

Plus, all the while:

exploring new tastes in this world!



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