24 April 2024 - Your new brother

It is amazing what the birth of a child does to a parent.

Your's and your sister's births are priceless gifts.

Both of you triggered a desire to become better. Words such as evolution, change and betterment were evoked.

Your brother was born today.

There's a word that won't leave me now.

That word is Hope.

Hope of a meaningful contribution, on the micro level. Hope of a beautiful butterfly effect, on every level. Hope of brighter future, on the macro level.

First shots ever...

Kung Fu Panda time.

You met your brother virtually as a starter.

The panda role continued.

I hope that you and your sister and brother build and retain strong bonds for life.

I hope that the three of you support one another, love one another, and help one another become irreplaceable versions of your respective potentials.



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