26 May 2024 - SUNday

My new screensaver.

Set up midway through today's activities.

Largest space the eldest. Smallest space the youngest.

Back to our morning walk,

You made a friend and playmate in Yarrik.

Your brother was resting when we returned.

Time for breaking bread.

We were invited by Dr Ali & his Dad to go a place called Prival.

Rides, animals, and BBQs was the essence.

The last time you'd been there was whilst you were still inside your Mum.

The tunnel was fun.

Another new friend, in another new place!

In the morning, it was you who shared.

This time it was the sweet girl.

Peacock time!

Bunny time with Aya.

Jumping time pre farewelling the place.

Enjoying some delicious Lebanese food, care of Oum Ali.

Movement outdoors, healthy food, and people who love you surrounding you & investing in you. In short, a quality day. May you and your siblings all enjoy many such days, in the days that lay ahead of you all.



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