30 December 2024 - You never know

The Lindy Effect doesn't apply to humans. 

We expect to go on, and on, and on.

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

Life is not eternal;

and that it what makes the opportunity to be alive so precious.


Mum and I went on our first date 5 years ago today.

Our song has continued to be sung since then. And plan for many an anniversary to come.

No day can ever be taken for granted though.

Birthdays are special individual milestones in life.

And today was your maternal Grandmother's birthday.

Whilst we weren't in the same physical space today, connection was made virtually... And the beauty of shared moments from recent times, are reflected in the below snaps with you, your brother, and with all of us...

News came in today of a less positive note than the above.

It was the flipside of the upside in life.

One of your Great-uncles passed away today.

Muhammad was one of your paternal Grandmother's two younger brothers.

And he was someone that she adores, and felt eternally grateful towards.

When she was a young mother of four, with a demanding life, he used to be like an additional right hand to her. He was kind, caring, and an educator. He was humble, stoic, and led a values-driven-life.

My Uncle Muhammad (that is, your Great-Uncle) will be sorely missed.

He always led by serving.

May he R.I.P. 



PS: May you, your brother, and your sister... develop the resilience to always rise back up (from hardships and from losses... Especially of loved ones).

And to feel grateful for all that you have. And especially, for all of those that you have in your lives.



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