21 February 2025 - RIP Abu Mazen
It's remarkable what impacts us, and what implants itself in our memories.
My parents (your paternal grandparents) and my siblings (your paternal uncles and aunts) used to go to the Batieyeh home on a semi regular basis during my childhood.
The loss of Abu Mazen Batieyeh recently triggered recollections and moments of insight, from those early times and visits.
The first revelation at the Batieyeh home was seeing a man cook.
The second was seeing a man help with washing dishes.
The third was the wide eyed curiosity and care, with which Abu Mazen would look at us kids. He would seek understanding; and then he would do what he could, to make our life more pleasant in that moment.
The kind, gentle, caring family man Abu Mazen left the would of the living days ago.
You both had the chance of connecting with his eldest son (& himself a father of six kids) today: Mazen.
You both evoked a smile in Mazen.
Just as would have ensued with his Dad.
The kind nature continues.
His memory lives on.
May Abu Mazen be resting in peace.
Omran Matar
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