18 August 2023 - Mira turned one

Today was a Friday.

In other words, a 'typical work day'.

So, invites to your birthday were dished out for tomorrow; a day late, but accounting for availability.

Well well well, weren't we in for a surprise.

A veritably delightful one.

Or ones.

Neighbours stopping by before 7:30am, with cakes and gifts for you... And with your grandma present too

The surprise view from the window!

Dressed and ready to glow...

One direction.

Energy transfer.

More visitors arrive of a morning.

That window view, unencumbered by a window.

And the Russian version above the front entrance!

Mum playing after having hung the Russian version; pretending to play judge.

At the front door.

A lunchtime visitor; who used to teach your sister Dunia at preschool came by.

A chat to family in Oz.

Late afternoon, even more guests and gifts.

Looking up to the skies,  with the spirit of possibility.

Tapping into emotions.

Happy Birthday Mira!

Every day is a blessing.

Never forget that.

Wishing you and your sister lots of good people in your lives;

Just like the many who came by today; in person, and virtually.

Wishing you both inspiration and joy.



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