06 November 2023 - Challenges are growth portals

Challenges are a part of life.

Being unwell is a challenge that impacts every other challenge...

and more particularly, it impacts the ability to resolve every other life challenge faced.

Overnight last night, you had a challenge that we (Mum and I) couldn't resolve alone.

So, we called for help.

Doctors Andrei and Anastasia were wonderful helpers. They were patient, informative, and kind. Thank you to them both

By morning time, and our morning tradition time, you were back on your feet 😊

After the overnight hiccup, the moments shared were all the more precious.

Late afternoon, when I returned home, we stepped out into the garden...

And contrary to expectations, we found an apple!

It was the 'last man standing' on the tree.

Wishing you and your sister good health always.

When faced with challenges, wishing you speedy & effective diagnosis... Followed by speedy resolution.

I hope that you both learn to see challenges as opportunities for you to both grow, such that new versions of you get created and re-created... Growing into your "be"



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